
My GF Looks For Ed, Without Me

Real Sex Stories

Author: amerasian


My girlfriend and I were happy that our business trips were coming to a fruitful conclusion. She was flying back to Manila from Guam and I was flying back from Hong Kong.

She rang me on Messenger from the airport.

“Hey honey, looks like my flight is on time. I arrive 430pm in Manila. Ikaw?”

“According to the update from PAL, I arrive 530pm.”

“Good! So I won’t wait for you na at the airport?”

“No need, take the company car, I told them to pick you up. I’ll just take Grab or Avis from the airport.”

“Sure thing luv. See you tonight. Can’t wait. I’ll do wild things to you tonight.”

“I’m getting hard just thinking about it! Eight days without you is a torture!”

“Really? Have you been jerking off to my photos?”

“Once lang. Sobrang busy. I sleep whenever I get back to my hotel. You, luv?”

“Once lang din, I tried. I was about to cum then my hotel phone rang to ask if they can deliver my laundry. Bad trip, nabitin tuloy.”

“I’ll take care of that later then!”

“You have to. I’ll kill you if you don’t fuck me tonight.”

“Then I guess I will stay alive through the night. Love you, Irish.”

“Love you too.”

I caught up with emails before heading out to the hotel gym for a quick workout. Before I knew it, dapat ng mag-empake.

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I was ready to head out of the hotel and go to the airport. I contacted the Front Desk to tell them if my hotel limo is ready. They said they will call my room once the limo driver is at the lobby.

Checking to see if my room has been cleared of my belongings, I was about to leave the room when the phone rang.

“I am sorry to inform you sir that upon checking with the airport, we were told that your flight to Manila is delayed.”

“Oh, by how long?”

“Philippine Airlines said they cannot give an estimate.”

“Can you book me with Cathay Pacific instead? I need to be home asap.”

“I will try my best sir.”

Waiting, waiting, waiting.

Messaged Irish: Just learned my flight is delayed

Irish: What’s your new ETA?

Me: “None pa, still waiting for update.”

Irish: Keep me posted. I’m boarding in a short while.

I decided to pop my laptop open and tried to check if Cathay Pacific can accommodate me despite short notice.

While surfing, my hotel phone rang again.

“Sir, PAL said your new departure is 830pm.”

What the fuck! I am stuck in my hotel for another four hours!

“Is there an earlier flight I can catch?”

“I can book you in Cathay, but their next flight leaves at around 11pm, which is even more late.”

Bottomline, I will make it to Manila by 10pm and to our condo with Irish by around 11pm.

“I should be home by 11pm, luv.”

“Putcha naman, I would be sleepy by then.”

“Try to take a nap when you get home, so you’ll be awake when I arrive?”

“Pwede. Or maybe I can drop by the nearby spa and have a massage.”

“Up to you, honey?”

“Luv, is it ok I just have a massage at home? I might be too tired to drive to the spa.”

“Of course it’s ok.”

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“I mean, can you send Ed a message, if he’s available?”

Now this is new. Ed will massage her at home. And without me.

“You sure that’s ok with you honey?”

Irish took a while to respond, “Or maybe I should ask you that question?”

“What do you have in mind?”

“What do YOU have in mind?”

“Irish, put your cards on the table and I’ll take it from there.”

“I badly need a massage. If you’re there na afterward, I will want you to fuck me.”

“And since I am not there until 11?”

“I would like Ed to ravage my cunt. Need it bad.”

That gave me one throbbing hard on. Though it also stunned me.

“Whatever you say, honey?”

“Anong whatever? Galit ka ba?”

“No, I said whatever you say. I did not say whatever.”

“You sound worried.”

“I am not. I just don’t want to miss it.”

“Ah, because you can’t play with us.”


“Why don’t we wait for you so we can play again when you land?”

“That would be nice.”




“You got bruised the last time. You had some bleeding.”

“Yeah, that’s alright honey.”

“If it helps, use a lubricant. I don’t want you lacerated.”


“Because I want to eat you when I get home.”

“I’ll be soiled if all goes according to plan.”

“Then I’ll just bang you hard afterward.”

“You are making me wet.”

“That’s the intent.”

“Ping Ed?”

“Yes I will.”

To be continued…

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